Downloadable Forms


Paper, Printable version 3 employees to a page. Printable timesheet


Accident, Incident or Injury reporting form

For any Accident, Incident or Injury this form must be completed after the initial treatment. A copy must be kept on site and a copy forwarded to Think Recruitment


Business / Staff loyalty Program

Refer a business or a person to Think Recruitment and when we achieve 140 hours business in 2 consecutive months and we’ll share the good fortune with you to the amount of $400 (less superannuation and tax if applicable) – Conditions do apply.


Resume Template

Please feel free to take this template and customise it to suit yourself. When writing your resume remember that it is not just Think recruitment looking at this document but the very people who will want to hire you. The art to a good resume is having the person reading it wanting to interview you immediately.
